Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Roti Tortilla

Hi, assalamualaikum semua, lama tak update blog. Okey, hari ini saya nak kongsikan satu resepi yang mudah dan senang nak buat. ROTI TORTILA ! Perghhhhh! Hahaha. Saya menggunakan resepi ni untuk perniagaan sampingan.

Roti Tortila


2 cawan tepung
1 sudu teh garam
1 sudu teh baking powder
1/2 sudu teh bikarbonat
3 sudu shortening 

3/4 cawan air (air ni agak-agak ye, takut lembik doh)


  1. Gaulkan sekali tepung gandum, garam, baking powder dan soda bikarbonat biar sekata di dalam mangkuk.
  2. Masukkan shortening. (Kalau tiada shortening, minyak masak pun boleh ye)
  3. Ramas dan buatkan serbuk roti.
  4. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sampat doh menjadi licin dan senang untuk membentuk nanti.
  5. Kemudian, bulatkan sebesar bola ping pong. Saya masukkan dalam peti sejuk untuk setkannya.
  6. Selepas itu, boleh lah canaikan nipis-nipis. Saya gunakan rolling pin untuk menipiskannya.
  7. Akhir sekali, boleh lah nak letak atas non-stick pan yang telah dipanaskan. Selalu balikkan untuk masak sekata.
  8. Boleh dihidangkan dengan filling tortila.

Bahan Filling

Lobak Merah (Parut)
Timun Batang (Parut)
Kobis Ungu (Parut)
Sos Cili
Sos Lada Hitam
Dada Ayam (Potong memanjang, gaul dengan sedikit garam, lada hitam separa hancur, serbuk lada. Kemudian gaul dengan telur dan tepung gandum yang dicampurkan dengan sedikit tepung jagung)

  1. Ayam tadi digoreng dan ditoskan.
  2. Ambik sekeping roti tortila, sapukan permukaan dengan sedikit mayonis, sayuran, isi ayam, dan topping dengan sos cili, lada hitam dan mayonis.
  3. Gulung dan hidangkan.

Mudah kan? Boleh buat berkelah ni.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kek Coklat Kukus Moist


Assalamualaikum semua. Petang ni Achik nak kongsikan resepi Kek Coklat Kukus Moist. Mudah, Cepat dan Sedap! Masa raya hari itu ada buat banyak untuk tempahan adik beradik mak dan rakan-rakanya. So, resepi ini boleh dicuba ya !


  • 1 cawan serbuk koko
  • 1 cawan susu cair
  • 1 cawan susu pekat
  • 1 cawan minyak masak
  • 1 cawan gula
  • 1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum
  • 1 sudu kecil baking powder
  • 1 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat
  • 3 biji telur - blend guna blender (tapi achik whisk je)
  1. Campurkan kesemua bahan A dalam periuk. Panaskan sebentar atas api dan kacau hingga sebati.
  2. Masukkan bahan B dan C ke dalam bahan A. Gaul sebati. (Achik guna handwhisk sahaja)
  3. Panaskan kukusan hingga air mendidih.
  4. Masukkan adunan ke dalam loyang atau bekas plastik tahan panas ikut citarasa anda.
  5. Kukus selama 50 mini - 1 jam (sampai cukup masak). Pastikan penutup kukusan di bungkus dengan kain supaya air tidak menitik di atas permukaan kek.
  6. Bila dah sejuk, boleh disiram coklat cair atau ganache.
  7. Hiaskan dengan taburan badam. siap!
 Selamat Mencuba. Nak resepi ganache atau coklat cair? Boleh tengok entri achik buat satu lagi ye.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Kisah Diri

Hi, assalamualaikum semua. Terima kasih kerana telah menyinggah di ruangan blog saya yang tak seberapa ini. Tujuan saya wujudkan blog ini adalah hanya untuk berkongsi apa jua resepi, petua, info semasa dan sebagainya untuk bacaan umum.

Okey, saya nak memperkenalkan diri saya, empunya diri diberi nama Mohammad Ikhwan Faizuddin Bin Azman atau dikenali sebagai Achik. Berasal dari Kerteh, Kemaman Terengganu. Berumur 21 tahun. Sekarang saya mengikuti kursus Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia Perkhidmatan Penyediaan & Pembuatan Makanan di Kolej Inforana (Swasta) Terengganu. 

Nanti saya akan cuba update kan lagi apa-apa yang berkaitan di dalam blog ini. Stay tune !

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Jenis-Jenis Cheese

Hi semua, assalamualaikum. Mesti ada di kalangan korang yang meminati cheese kan? Ha, hari ini kita kena semua boleh kenal sikit-sikit tentang cheese ye.



Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Sweden
Ø Family: Blue
Ø Type: semi-soft, blue-veined
Ø Fat content: 50%
Ø Texture: creamy
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: blue
Ø Flavour: salty, sharp, tangy
Ø Aroma: strong
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Suitable to make dessert cheese and additional salads.


Ø Made from pasteurized or unpasteurized cow's, goat's or sheep's milk
Ø Country of origin: Netherlands
Ø Region: South Holland, Gouda
Ø Family: Gouda
Ø Type: hard, artisan, brined, processed
Ø Fat content (in dry matter): 76%
Ø Fat content: 31 g/100g
Ø Calcium content: 958 mg/100g
Ø Texture: brittlecrumblycrystalline and flaky
Ø Rind: waxed
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: burnt caramel, full-flavored
Ø Aroma: rich, ripe
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Synonyms: Five-Year Aged Gouda, Jong belegen Gouda, Belegen Gouda, Extra belegen Gouda, Oud Gouda, Overjarig Gouda, Gouda, Aged Four Years
Ø It may be used as a table cheese or dessert cheese


Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Utah
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Texture: creamy and dry
Ø Colour: cream
Ø Flavour: butterscotch, tangy
Ø Aroma: fruity
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Beehive Cheese Company
Ø Suitable for make fruit salad and eat with bread for breakfast.


Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Greensboro, VT
Ø Family: Swiss Cheese
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: denseelastic and smooth
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, caramel, fruity, full-flavored, nutty
Ø Aroma: fruity, nutty
Ø Producers: Jasper Hill Farm
Ø Suitable pairing with robust ale, plumy red wine or onion jam. For satisfying meal, follow the lead of Swiss/French raclette – melt into a plate of fingerling potatoes, cured meat and natural sour pickles.


Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Canada
Ø Region: British Columbia
Ø Type: semi-soft, brined
Ø Texture: supple
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: cream
Ø Flavour: floral, grassy, savory
Ø Aroma: earthy, floral, rich
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: The Farm House Natural Cheeses
Ø Suitable for eat with some plain fruit


Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Maine
Ø Family: Swiss Cheese
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: creamycrumblyopen and smooth
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, smooth
Ø Aroma: rich
Ø Producers: Fuzzy Udder Creamery
Ø Suitable eat with wine


Ø Made from pasteurized or unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: France
Ø Region: Auvergne, Rhône-Alpes
Ø Family: Blue
Ø Type: semi-soft, artisan, blue-veined
Ø Fat content: 50%
Ø Texture: creamydense and supple
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: blue
Ø Flavour: savory, sharp, smooth, tangy
Ø Aroma: fruity, strong, woody
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Alternative spellings: Fourme d'Ambert


Ø Made from cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Indiana
Ø Type: semi-soft, artisan
Ø Texture: creamyrunnysmooth and spreadable
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: straw
Ø Flavour: mushroomy, salty, savory, sweet
Ø Aroma: earthy, grassy, lactic
Ø Synonyms: Arabella
Ø Nice to make a cheese cake or peace of tart


Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Type: semi-soft, processed
Ø Texture: creamy and smooth
Ø Rind: rindless
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: creamy, mild
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Kraft Foods Company
Ø Great eat with slice of bread and mayonaise

10.               AMI DU CHAMBERTIN

Ø Made from pasteurized or unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: France
Ø Region: Gevrey-Chambertin, Burgundy
Ø Type: semi-soft, artisan, brined
Ø Fat content: 45%
Ø Texture: smooth
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: buttery, sharp
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Synonyms: L'Ami du Chambertin
Ø Some people make like a jam or butter

11.               AMISH FROLIC

Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Milford, NJ
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Texture: flaky and open
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: grassy, nutty, sweet
Ø Aroma: grassy
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Bobolink Dairy
Ø For cake

12.               AMUL CHEESE SPREAD

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: India
Ø Region: Gujarat
Ø Type: soft, processed
Ø Fat content: 18-20%
Ø Texture: creamy and spreadable
Ø Rind: artificial
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: creamy, salty, savory, spicy
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (Amul)
Ø Eat with soft food

13.               AMUL GOUDA

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: India
Ø Region: Gujarat
Ø Family: Gouda
Ø Type: semi-hard
Ø Fat content: 46%
Ø Calcium content: 492 mg/100g
Ø Texture: compactdensefirm and springy
Ø Rind: plastic
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: fruity, sweet
Ø Aroma: mild
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (Amul)
Ø Snack food or something else


Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: India
Ø Region: Gujarat
Ø Family: Mozzarella
Ø Type: semi-soft, processed
Ø Fat content: 30-40%
Ø Calcium content: 492 mg/100g
Ø Texture: elastic and stringy
Ø Rind: artificial
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: salty
Ø Aroma: pleasant
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (Amul)

15.               ANARI

Ø Made from pasteurized goat's or sheep's milk
Ø Country of origin: Cyprus
Ø Region: island wide
Ø Family: Cottage
Ø Type: fresh softhard, artisan
Ø Fat content: 8%
Ø Texture: brittlecreamy and flaky
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: creamy, mild, salty
Ø  Synonyms: Fresh Anari, Dry Anari

16.               ANEJO ENCHILADO

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's or goat's milk
Ø Country of origin: Mexico
Ø Type: semi-hard
Ø Texture: crumbly and firm
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: salty, sharp, spicy, strong
Ø Aroma: strong
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Cacique
Ø Synonyms: Queso Añejo, Añejo
Ø Italian always make a dessert

17.               ANSTER

Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Scotland
Ø Region: Fife
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: crumbly and dry
Ø Colour: ivory
Ø Flavour: milky
Ø Aroma: milky, rich
Ø Producers: St Andrews Farmhouse Cheese Company
Ø Synonyms: Red Anster

18.               APPENZELLER

Ø Made from cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Switzerland
Ø Region: Appenzell
Ø Type: hard, artisan, smear-ripened
Ø Texture: firmopen and smooth
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: straw
Ø Flavour: fruity, spicy, tangy
Ø Aroma: mild
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Alternative spellings: Appenzeller Classic, Appenzeller Surchoix, Appenzeller Extra


Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: EnglandGreat Britain and United Kingdom
Ø Region: Gloucestershire
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Fat content: 54.23 g/100g
Ø Texture: crumblydensefirmflaky and smooth
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: golden yellow
Ø Flavour: mellow, milky, nutty, subtle, tangy
Ø Aroma: subtle, sweet
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Appleby's, Neal's Yard Dairy

20.               APPLE WALNUT SMOKE

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Utah
Ø Family: Cheddar
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Texture: creamy and smooth
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: nutty, smokey , sweet
Ø Aroma: nutty, smokey, sweet
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Beehive Cheese Company
Ø Synonyms: Promontory Apple Walnut Smoked , Smoked Apple Walnut

21.               APPLEWOOD

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: EnglandGreat Britain and United Kingdom
Ø Region: Somerset
Ø Family: Cheddar
Ø Type: semi-hard
Ø Texture: crumbly and dense
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: smokey , spicy
Ø Aroma: smokey
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Ilchester Cheese Company
Ø Synonyms: Applewood smoked cheddar

22.               ASSA

Ø Region: Tomales, California
Ø Rind: natural


Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Australia
Ø Region: Brisbane
Ø Family: Feta
Ø Type: fresh soft
Ø Fat content: 25.22 g/100g
Ø Texture: creamycrumbly and springy
Ø Rind: rindless
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: herbaceous, mild, milky
Ø Aroma: herbal, mild, milky
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Barambah Organics Pty Ltd.

24.               BARON BIGOD

Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: EnglandGreat Britain and United Kingdom
Ø Region: Bungay, Suffolk
Ø Family: Brie
Ø Type: soft, artisan, soft-ripened
Ø Texture: creamysmoothsoft and soft-ripened
Ø Rind: bloomy
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: creamy, earthy, mushroomy
Ø Aroma: barnyardy, mushroom
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Fen Farm Dairy
Ø Alternative spellings: Baron Bigod Brie

25.               BARONEROSSO di CAPRA

Ø Made from unpasteurized goat's milk
Ø Country of origin: Italy
Ø Region: Veneto
Ø Type: semi-hard
Ø Texture: crumbly and firm
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: full-flavored, sharp
Ø Aroma: fruity, musty
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: La Casearia Carpenedo S.r.l.
Ø Alternative spellings: Baronerosso al Barbera
26.               BATH BLUE

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: EnglandGreat Britain and United Kingdom
Ø Region: Bath
Ø Family: Blue
Ø Type: soft, artisan, blue-veined
Ø Texture: creamy and smooth
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: cream
Ø Flavour: creamy, strong
Ø Aroma: clean
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Bath Soft Cheese Ltd

27.               BASKET MOLDED RICOTTA

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Maine
Ø Family: Cottage
Ø Type: fresh firm, whey
Ø Texture: crumbly and firm
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: sweet
Ø Aroma: fresh
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Lakin's Gorges Cheese LLC

28.               BLEU DES CAUSSES

Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: France
Ø Region: Languedoc, Midi Pyrenees
Ø Family: Blue
Ø Type: semi-soft, blue-veined
Ø Fat content: 45%
Ø Texture: creamy
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: blue
Ø Flavour: salty, spicy
Ø Aroma: grassy, strong
Ø Vegetarian: no

29.               BLISSFUL BLOCKS

Ø Country of origin: Canada and United States
Ø Family: Cheddar
Ø Type: hard
Ø Texture: creamy and crumbly
Ø Rind: plastic
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: creamy, savory, sharp, spicy
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: GO Veggie!
Ø Synonyms: Lactose & Soy Free Mozzarella Blocks, Lactose Free Mozzarella Blocks, Lactose & Soy Free Cheddar Blocks, Lactose Free Cheddar Blocks

30.               MAASDAM

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Netherlands
Ø Region: All Holland
Ø Family: Gouda
Ø Type: semi-hard
Ø Fat content: 45%
Ø Texture: creamyopen and supple
Ø Rind: waxed
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, nutty, sweet
Ø Aroma: fruity
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Alternative spellings: Maasdamme

31.               MAFFRA CHESHIRE

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Australia
Ø Region: Gippsland, Victoria
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Texture: crumbly
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: mellow, salty, sharp, tart
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Maffra Cheese Company Pty Ltd

32.               MAFFRA MATURE CHEDDAR

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Australia
Ø Region: Gippsland, Victoria
Ø Family: Cheddar
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Texture: creamy, crumbly, firm and smooth
Ø Rind: waxed
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: acidic, salty, smooth
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Maffra Cheese Company Pty Ltd
Ø Synonyms: Maffra Red Wax Cheddar, Mature Cheddar Red Wax

33.               MAGGIE’S ROUND

Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Massachusetts
Ø Family: Tomme
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: firm and smooth
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: blue-grey
Ø Flavour: buttery, citrusy, nutty, sharp
Ø Aroma: earthy, fruity, herbal
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Cricket Creek Farm

34.               MAHOE AGED GOUDA

Ø Made from cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: New Zealand
Ø Region: Northland
Ø Type: soft
Ø Fat content: 40%
Ø Texture: chewy and firm
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, fruity
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Mahoe Farmhouse Cheese

35.               MAHON

Ø Made from cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Spain
Ø Region: Menorca, Balearic Islands
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: crumbly and dense
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, fruity, salty
Ø Aroma: nutty, sweet
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Various
Ø Synonyms: Artesano Mahon, Artisanal Mahon, Mahon Reserva, Aged Mahon

36.               MAMIROLLE

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Canada and France
Ø Region: Plessisville, Quebec
Ø Type: semi-soft, artisan
Ø Fat content: 23%
Ø Texture: chewy and supple
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: ivory
Ø Flavour: buttery, fruity, salty, sweet
Ø Aroma: earthy, pungent
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Eco-Delices Inc.

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Canada
Ø Region: Quebec
Ø Family: Camembert
Ø Type: soft, artisan, soft-ripened
Ø Texture: buttery, creamy, soft and soft-ripened
Ø Rind: bloomy
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, creamy, mushroomy
Ø Aroma: mushroom, pungent
Ø Producers: Poplar Grove Cheese
Ø Synonyms: Poplar Grove Camembert

38.               OLD WINCHESTER

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: England, Great Britain and United Kingdom
Ø Region: Landford
Ø Family: Gouda
Ø Type: hard, artisan
Ø Texture: crystalline, dry and flaky
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: yellow
Ø Flavour: crunchy, full-flavored, sweet
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Lyburn Farm
Ø Synonyms: Old Smales

39.               TABLE ROCK

Ø Made from pasteurized goat's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Oregon
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: dry and smooth
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: cream
Ø Flavour: full-flavored, nutty, piquant
Ø Aroma: nutty
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Pholia Farm Creamery and Dairy

40.               TANGO

Ø Made from unpasteurized goat's or sheep's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Tieton, Washington
Ø Type: artisan
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: ivory
Ø Producers: Tieton Farm & Creamery

41.               TENERI

Ø Made from Buffalo's milk
Ø Country of origin: Italy
Ø Region: Campania
Ø Family: Mozzarella
Ø Type: soft, whey
Ø Texture: creamy, soft and sticky
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: smooth
Ø Aroma: floral, fresh, nutty
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Casa Madaio

42.               PACK SQUARE

Ø Made from cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Fairview
Ø Family: Brie
Ø Type: semi-soft, artisan, soft-ripened
Ø Texture: buttery, creamy, soft and soft-ripened
Ø Rind: bloomy
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: buttery, creamy, earthy, spicy
Ø Aroma: grassy, rich
Ø Producers: Looking Glass Creamery

43.               PAGLIERINO

Ø Made from sheep's milk
Ø Country of origin: Italy
Ø Region: Campania
Ø Type: semi-hard
Ø Texture: compact and elastic
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: citrusy, spicy, sweet
Ø Aroma: grassy
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Casa Madaio

44.               JALAPENO CHEDDAR

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Oregon
Ø Family: Cheddar
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Texture: creamy and crumbly
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: savory, spicy
Ø Aroma: spicy
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: Rogue Creamery

45.               JARISBERG

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Norway
Ø Region: Jarlsberg
Ø Family: Swiss Cheese
Ø Type: semi-soft
Ø Texture: open, smooth and supple
Ø Rind: waxed
Ø Colour: pale yellow
Ø Flavour: buttery, mild, nutty
Ø Aroma: nutty
Ø Vegetarian: no
Ø Producers: Norseland Ltd.

46.               NICASIO SQUARE

·        Made from pasteurized cow's milk
·        Country of origin: United States
·        Region: California
·        Type: semi-soft, brined
·        Texture: creamy and crumbly
·        Rind: washed
·        Colour: pale yellow
·        Flavour: caramel, mild, yeasty
·        Aroma: aromatic, earthy, strong
·        Vegetarian: no
·        Producers: Nicasio Valley Cheese Company

47.               NORTHUMBERLAND

Ø Made from cow's, goat's or sheep's milk
Ø Country of origin: England and United Kingdom
Ø Region: Northumberland, England
Ø Producers: Northumberland Cheese Company

48.               NICCIOLO

Ø Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Italy
Ø Region: Piedmont
Ø Family: Italian Cheese
Ø Type: semi-soft, artisan
Ø Fat content: 45%
Ø Texture: crumbly and dense
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: white
Ø Flavour: nutty, tangy
Ø Aroma: milky, nutty
Ø Vegetarian: yes
Ø Producers: La Casera srl

49.               NUT REBEL

Ø Made from unpasteurized cow's milk
Ø Country of origin: Austria
Ø Region: Sulzberg
Ø Type: semi-hard, artisan
Ø Fat content: 50%
Ø Texture: creamy and firm
Ø Rind: natural
Ø Colour: orange
Ø Flavour: nutty, smooth, sweet
Ø Aroma: nutty, pleasant
Ø Producers: Sulzberger Käserebellen Sennerei GmbH
Ø Synonyms: Nussrebell

50.               IRIS

Ø Made from goat's milk
Ø Country of origin: United States
Ø Region: Oregon
Ø Type: firm, artisan
Ø Texture: chewy
Ø Rind: washed
Ø Colour: ivory
Ø Flavour: earthy, lemony
Ø Aroma: fruity, grassy
Ø Producers: Briar Rose Creamery

Roti Tortilla

Hi, assalamualaikum semua, lama tak update blog. Okey, hari ini saya nak kongsikan satu resepi yang mudah dan senang nak buat. ROTI TORTILA ...